
A webinar is a seminar or other presentation that takes place on the Internet, allowing participants in different locations to see and hear the presenter, ask questions, and sometimes answer polls.


A walk-through is a final inspection of the event venue by the event planner and client before the event begins to ensure everything is ready.


An usher is a person who shows people where to sit, especially at a theatre or when a ceremony is being held.

Table setting

A table setting refers to the way that tables are arranged for a meal, including the placement of dishes, glasses, and utensils, as well as decorative elements.

Stage Manager

A stage manager is a professional who oversees the physical aspects of a performance or presentation, including the coordination of technical equipment and the management of performers or speakers.


Registration is the process by which attendees provide their information, often including payment, to secure their participation in an event.


A podium is a raised platform where a speaker stands during a presentation or ceremony.


Networking is the process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts, often a key component of business and industry events.


Load-in and load-out refer to the process of bringing equipment, supplies, and materials into and out of an event venue.

Keynote Speaker

A keynote speaker is the main speaker at an event, often a recognized expert or notable figure who addresses the main theme of the event.

Green Room

A green room is a space where performers or speakers can relax and prepare before their appearance at an event.

Floor Plan

A floor plan is a diagram showing the arrangement of spaces in a building as seen from above, used for planning the layout of an event.


An exhibition is a public display of works of art or items of interest, often held within events such as conferences or trade shows.


Décor refers to the decoration and styling of an event venue to create a specific look or mood.

Cocktail Reception

A cocktail reception is a social event where guests mingle while enjoying drinks and appetizers, often before a larger event like a banquet or conference. 🍸🍹


A booth is a small, temporary structure used for displaying products, distributing information, or providing services at events such as job fairs, exhibitions, and trade shows.

Audio Engineer

An audio engineer is a professional who manages the sound at an event, including the operation of sound systems and microphones.

Seating Arrangement

A seating arrangement is the planned organization of guests’ seats at an event, often coordinated with considerations for social dynamics, visibility, and accessibility.

Open Bar

An open bar is a bar at an event where drinks are served free of charge to guests.


Canapés Small, prepared and usually decorative food, typically eaten in one bite. Often served during the cocktail hour of an event.


Buffet: A style of food service where guests serve themselves from a variety of dishes set out on a table or counter.

Dress Code

Dress Code: The expected standard of dress for guests attending an event, which may range from casual to formal.


The itinerary is a detailed plan or schedule for an event, outlining what will happen at specific times.

Walk-In Rate

The walk-in rate is the price charged for guests who attend an event without prior booking or registration.


Vendor: A professional or company providing a specific service or product for an event, such as catering, photography, decor, or entertainment.


RSVP (Répondez S’il Vous Plaît): A request for a response from invited guests to confirm their attendance at an event.

Live Entertainment

Live Entertainment: Performances provided for guests’ enjoyment during an event, such as bands, DJs, magicians, or comedians.


Emcee (MC, Master of Ceremonies): The person who hosts and guides the event, introducing speakers or performers, making announcements, and ensuring the event runs smoothly.

Breakout Session

Breakout Session: A smaller session, workshop, or meeting that takes place within a larger event. Breakout sessions allow for more focused discussion or interactive learning.

A/V (Audio/Visual)

A/V (Audio/Visual): Refers to the sound and visual components of an event, such as microphones, speakers, projectors, and lighting. A/V equipment is crucial for presentations, performances, and speeches.

Back of House

Back of House: The area in a hospitality venue that is not visible to guests, including the kitchen and administrative offices. Back of house staff handle tasks like food preparation, cleaning, and logistics.

Front of House

The Front of House is the area in a hospitality venue visible to guests, including the lobby, dining area, and bar. Front of house staff interact directly with guests, providing services like seating, serving food, and answering questions.

Hospitality suite

A hospitality suite is a room or area provided for entertaining guests, often in a hotel or conference center. These suites are typically used for informal meetings, relaxation, or networking during events.

Event planner

An event planner is a professional who coordinates all aspects of events, including choosing the venue, hiring caterers, and arranging entertainment.


The venue is the location where an event is held. Venues can range from hotels and conference centers to outdoor parks and private residences.


A banquet is a large, formal meal for many people, often followed by speeches or performances. Banquets are common in corporate events, weddings, and award ceremonies.


Catering is the provision of food and drink at an event, often involving professional services that can accommodate a variety of dietary preferences and event themes.